Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Senate Chamber
State of Colorado


Schwartz’s SB 289 can create green jobs with old tires

DENVER--- Colorado is home to 1/3 of whole waste tires in America, with 60 million waste tires in two large tire monofills (one in Hudson off I-76 in Weld County and the other in Midway in southern El Paso County.) In addition to these large tire dumps, millions of tires are in smaller piles on farms and commercial and residential properties around the state.

SB 289 passed the Senate Local Government and Energy Committee and addresses the waste tire problem.

“The proposed legislation is an opportunity to make use of existing revenue, create green jobs from waste tire recycling and reuse and support a new sector of sustainable recycling businesses,” said Senator Gail Schwartz (D-Snowmass), Senate sponsor of SB 289. “Supporting a strong recycling sector that creates green jobs, eliminating the tire dumps and providing rural Coloradans with programs to clean up waste tires on their properties.”

“For Colorado to maintain its leadership role in the new sustainable economy, we must address the scourge of over 60 million waste tires that scar our landscape,” Sen. Schwartz said. “The large tire monofills are a public health threat and an environmental disaster waiting to happen.”

SB 289 will:

Prohibits the disposal of whole waste tires in tire monofills.
Requires the shredding of tires before deposit in tire monofills.
Requires DPHE to adopt a ten year plan for the elimination of tire monofills.
DOR to collect the existing $1.50 waste tire recycling development fee at the time of the sale of a new tire.
Requires tire retailers to 1) use registered waste tire haulers and 2) to accept waste tires.
Allows DOLA to reallocate unused funds at the end of the quarter between existing program categories.

SB 289 will next head to the Senate floor.