Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Senate Chamber
State of Colorado


Schwartz’s SB 289 can create green jobs with old tires

DENVER--- Colorado is home to 1/3 of whole waste tires in America, with 60 million waste tires in two large tire monofills (one in Hudson off I-76 in Weld County and the other in Midway in southern El Paso County.) In addition to these large tire dumps, millions of tires are in smaller piles on farms and commercial and residential properties around the state.

SB 289 passed the Senate Local Government and Energy Committee and addresses the waste tire problem.

“The proposed legislation is an opportunity to make use of existing revenue, create green jobs from waste tire recycling and reuse and support a new sector of sustainable recycling businesses,” said Senator Gail Schwartz (D-Snowmass), Senate sponsor of SB 289. “Supporting a strong recycling sector that creates green jobs, eliminating the tire dumps and providing rural Coloradans with programs to clean up waste tires on their properties.”

“For Colorado to maintain its leadership role in the new sustainable economy, we must address the scourge of over 60 million waste tires that scar our landscape,” Sen. Schwartz said. “The large tire monofills are a public health threat and an environmental disaster waiting to happen.”

SB 289 will:

Prohibits the disposal of whole waste tires in tire monofills.
Requires the shredding of tires before deposit in tire monofills.
Requires DPHE to adopt a ten year plan for the elimination of tire monofills.
DOR to collect the existing $1.50 waste tire recycling development fee at the time of the sale of a new tire.
Requires tire retailers to 1) use registered waste tire haulers and 2) to accept waste tires.
Allows DOLA to reallocate unused funds at the end of the quarter between existing program categories.

SB 289 will next head to the Senate floor.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Emma Farms Cattle Company gets a visit from Sen. Schwartz

Gail shows her support of Agriculture
by visiting the only Wagyu herd in Colorado
at Emma Farms Cattle Company this weekend.

Sen. Schwartz continues to advocate for the survival of
cattle ranching along the Western Slope.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Schwartz's Energy Bills Signed by Governor


Senate Chamber
State of Colorado


DENVER— Four important bills sponsored by Senator Gail Schwartz (D-Snowmass) were signed in to law by Governor Bill Ritter:
Bill #
Short Title
SB 039 Conserve Energy Tiered Rates Incentive Sen. SCHWARTZ / Rep. CURRY Signed
SB 177 New Solar Facility Prop Tax Valuation Sen. SCHWARTZ / Rep. VIGIL Signed
HB 1233 Recognize Acequias Rep. VIGIL / Sen. SCHWARTZ Signed
HB 1294 Renew Nongame & Wildlife Checkoff Rep. VIGIL / Sen. SCHWARTZ Signed

“I am so happy these four very important bills were signed into law,” said Sen. Schwartz. “These two senate bills are essential to our energy efficient future in Colorado and will help the economic development in the state. HB 1233 recognizes the value and cultural importance of the Acequia tradition and preserves that essential history of the San Luis Valley.”

SB 39, Conserve Energy Tiered Rates Incentive, will expand energy efficient investments and create energy savings. For years, water utilities have encourages water conservation through a method called inclining block rate, where the price of water rises with increasing usage. This bill would use the same method to deal with rising power costs and also create sensible energy markets that benefit the economy and Colorado’s environment. Sen. Schwartz carried this bill for the Holy Cross Rural Electric Association who offered the concept for energy conservation.

SB 177, New Solar Facility Property Tax Valuation, will requires that, similar to wind energy facilities, state assessed solar energy facilities will be valued using the income approach. This means that the actual value will be based on the projected gross revenue of such facilities. This bill provides incentives to the solar industry and property tax revenues to counties now based on energy generation.

HB1233 is a very important bill to Colorado and the San Luis Valley region. This bill promotes and encourages the continued operation of acequias, or historic community ditches, and the viability of the historic communities that depend on this system as a means of irrigation and cultural preservation in Southern Colorado. Sen. Schwartz carried this bill with Representative Ed Vigil (D-San Luis) who’s great grandparents were the first water rights owners in the state of Colorado.

HB 1294 extends the voluntary contribution designation (or income tax checkoff) benefitting the Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Fund from tax year 2009 through tax year 2011. The Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Fund provides funding for projects that manage or recover nongame wildlife. Nongame wildlife includes 750 species of wildlife in Colorado that cannot be hunted, fished, or trapped. These projects include wildlife such as lynx, river otter, black-footed ferret, greenback cutthroat trout, mountain plover, and others. The nongame program does not receive state tax dollars and depends on voluntary contributions.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sen. Schwartz & Rep. Curry host town hall

Sen. Schwartz & Rep. Curry
invite you to join them for a town hall meeting

Saturday April 25, 2009: 10am

600 North Adams Street, Gunnison

Bring some friends for a discussion on the state of Colorado’s budget,
higher education and other issues facing our state.
With the economy at the front of all our minds,
take advantage of this opportunity to speak directly with the
elected officials who represent you and your families.

We will discuss current legislation and how this
budget crisis may affect your neighborhoods, communities, and businesses.
Join with us in communication that will help formulate ideas
for stimulating growth within our local economies.
We look forward to meeting you and hearing what is on your mind.

For more information please contact:

Sen. Gail Schwartz-SD 5
Chair: Senate Local Government & Energy
Chair: Select Cmte on Job Creation & Economic Growth
Member: Senate Agriculture & Natural Resources

Rep. Kathleen Curry-HD-61
Speaker Pro Tempore
Member: House Agriculture Livestock & Natural Resources

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Senator heads to Woody Creek this weekend to meet with constituents
DENVER – State Senator Gail Schwartz (D-Snowmass) invites you to join her
for a Town Hall meeting this Saturday afternoon in Woody Creek.

Topics to be discussed include Colorado’s budget, higher education funding,
and a legislative update. There will also be a time for a question and
answer session with Senator Schwartz.

Saturday, April 18th
2 – 4 p.m.
Woody Creek Community Center
06 Woody Creek Plaza
Woody Creek, CO
(970) 922-2342

Questions? Contact Carly Knudson at 303-866-4871 or